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    Crypto.com DeFi Wallet

    Open the authenticator app on your smartphone and manually input the setup key, or disregard the QR code supplied. With Crypto.com DeFi Wallet, you have completed the security of your Crypto.com DeFi Wallet account.

    What's keeping me from uploading files to my Crypto.com DeFi Wallet account?

    Examine the specifics of your account. If you're experiencing problems updating or optimizing your address or uploading documents to your account for Crypto.com DeFi Wallet, turn off your GSL (Global Settings Cinch) and try again. A picture of you, the account holder, holding your ID card with a written comment coming to your face is used to validate your identity.

    The Key Description is effectively the name of the API key, and it may be practically whatever you want as long as it is unique (different from the descriptions of any other API keys on the same account).

    By default, the Key Description will be something along the lines of "API-key-1605316109249." This default description can be preserved or replaced with a more detailed name (such as "Trading Key", "Account Management Key", "Python API Key 6", or "Mobile App Key", for example).

    Important Permissions

    The Key Permissions specify which secret API methods the API key may use:
    • Query Funds are necessary for account management methods such as Balance and TradeBalance that query account balance information.
    • Deposit Funds are necessary for deposit-related financing techniques such as DepositMethods and DepositAddresses.
    • Withdraw Funds are necessary for withdrawal-related financing methods such as WithdrawInfo, Withdraw, and WithdrawCancel.

    Trades and Orders

    • Query Open Orders & Trades is necessary for account management methods such as OpenOrders, QueryOrders, and OpenPositions that query previously existing orders and positions for Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.
    • Query Closed Orders & Trades is required for account management methods such as ClosedOrders, QueryOrders, and QueryTrades that query previously closed/canceled orders and positions.
    • Modifying Orders is necessary for the trading technique AddOrder, which sets new orders.
    • Cancel/Close Orders is necessary for the trading technique CancelOrder, which cancels open or pending orders using Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.